2D game
Data Fields
menu_t Struct Reference

#include <menu.h>

Data Fields

menu_item_t mItems [MENU_ITEM_MAX]
menu_item_t * mSelectedItem
sprite_t * mBackground
GameState mCurrentState
GameState mPreviousState
int mItemCount
void(* Update )(menu_t *self, SDL_GameControllerButton button)
void(* Draw )(menu_t *self)

Detailed Description

A menu structure which controls updateing, drawing, and connecting menu states.

Anthony Rios

Definition at line 64 of file menu.h.

Field Documentation

void(* menu_t::Draw) (menu_t *self)

Definition at line 73 of file menu.h.

sprite_t* menu_t::mBackground

The background image for the menu

Definition at line 68 of file menu.h.

GameState menu_t::mCurrentState

The current game state the menu is drawing in

Definition at line 69 of file menu.h.

int menu_t::mItemCount

Number of items in this menu

Definition at line 71 of file menu.h.

menu_item_t menu_t::mItems[MENU_ITEM_MAX]

The items this menu contains

Definition at line 66 of file menu.h.

GameState menu_t::mPreviousState

State before this got loaded

Definition at line 70 of file menu.h.

menu_item_t* menu_t::mSelectedItem

The currently selected item

Definition at line 67 of file menu.h.

void(* menu_t::Update) (menu_t *self, SDL_GameControllerButton button)

The update function, which takes input and updates global variables

Definition at line 72 of file menu.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: