2D game
Data Fields
ai_function_t Struct Reference

#include <ai_interpret.h>

Data Fields

ai_type_t mType
ai_actions_t mAction
int mFlags
int mVariables [7]
char * mObject
char * mObjectCheck
ai_function_t * mLink

Detailed Description

The structure for ai, pointer to this is declared in each entity. FighterThink is the only think that uses this structure.

Anthony Rios

Definition at line 96 of file ai_interpret.h.

Field Documentation

ai_actions_t ai_function_t::mAction

The action type of this function, to get the action think function for entity

Definition at line 99 of file ai_interpret.h.

int ai_function_t::mFlags

The flags defined in ai_flags_t

Definition at line 100 of file ai_interpret.h.

ai_function_t* ai_function_t::mLink

The link to the next ai_function to set

Definition at line 105 of file ai_interpret.h.

char* ai_function_t::mObject

Optional - The object/entity to spawn during an action

Definition at line 103 of file ai_interpret.h.

char* ai_function_t::mObjectCheck

Optional - The object/entity that you need to find, in order for condition to be valid

Definition at line 104 of file ai_interpret.h.

ai_type_t ai_function_t::mType

The type of ai (preset, variable, recursive)

Definition at line 98 of file ai_interpret.h.

int ai_function_t::mVariables[7]

The 7 currently parsed or default values in this function 1 - speed; 2 - frames; 3 - time; 4 - damage; [5,6] - direction; 7 - check;

Definition at line 101 of file ai_interpret.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: